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La Mer is committed to providing the highest quality of innovative, luxury skincare products to our consumers around the globe. We take this responsibility seriously and we are unwavering in our commitment to provide consumers with meticulously crafted products that meet our high standards.

At our authorized retailers and, our valued customers may receive unique experiences such as complimentary services and customized advice from our team of La Mer Experts. Authorized retailers and also invite consumers to try our products through La Mer’s sampling program. Our samples are complimentary to our customers and are never sold at our authorized sellers.

We strongly encourage you to purchase only from La Mer’s authorized sellers to ensure you always receive authentic, high-quality La Mer product. La Mer does not offer its products through individuals, street vendors, internet auctions or unauthorized online retailers. When a product is purchased from unauthorized sellers, La Mer cannot guarantee the safety, quality, and efficacy of the product. Please click here for a complete listing of authorized sellers.